02版要闻 - 谱写强军兴军新篇章(奋进强国路阔步新征程),魔方复原-记录个人理解的教程
本月更新4831  文章总数18693  总浏览量9870665

“南京—武汉”豪华游轮首航 380名游...


全国政协首邀院士委员话创新:聚焦核心技术 解决"卡脖子"难题


本月1日,伊朗对以色列发动大规模导弹打击之后,伊朗与以色列冲突升级的可能性越来越大。10月4日,有美国国务院官员表示,以色列方面并未向美方保证不会针对伊朗核设施进行报复性打击。此外,该名官员表示,以色列或将于10月7日即巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)对以色列发动大规模火箭弹袭击一周年之际,在部分地区发动报复性行动。(总台记者 李健南)


Recently, Fleur Chabaille-Wang, a French teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University, has stated in an exclusive interview with China News Network that she loved China at first sight when she first came to China in 2010. She said that “China is developing rapidly,” and that Chinese people live in harmony. She feels happy to work and live in China, because Chinese people are very inclusive, friendly and kind.

As a witness to China's fast development, Wang spreads truth about China to French people, correcting their misconceptions of the country. (Gong Weiwei)
